Abstract by orientalists, whether these events and stances had logical interpretations or not. Hence, the orientalists, especially Italian ones, have approached the biography of the Prophet Muham mad with a particular lens. Given their lack of faith in Islamic sources, if they found something they deemed accurate, they resorted to their methodologies to interpret or attempt to deny it. Conversely, if they found inaccuracies, they relied on Islamic sources to prove them. The Incident of Banu Qurayzah in the 5th year of Hijrah un derwent various interpretations regarding the incident and the treaty’s clauses concluded by prophet Muhammad with all tribes, including the Jewish ones. Italian orientalist interpre tations either denied some treaty clauses or entirely rejected them. Therefore, this research will delve into the origin of Jewish tribes and their presence in the Hijaz, their relationship with the Islamic state, and the stance of Italian Orientalists towards the Medina Charter and the Incident of Banu Qurayzah